Thursday, January 9, 2014

Week 9

Thank god Hubs and I are still sleeping in separate rooms (since I'm awake coughing up a lung half the night) since I could seriously take down a horse right now with my gas.  I'm even grossing out the dog and he sniffs butts for a good time.

I should probably start doing those lists that everyone does so you can know if my belly button is still an innie (it is), if I'm sleeping (I'm not), or if I'm having any labor signs (ummm, no) but I don't really feel like it.  Instead I think I may just go the route of posting about random stuff that's going on with me. Enjoy!

Let's see: I've already shared my gaseousness with you... on top of that I'm also constipated!  Hooray! I've taken to eating prunes every day now which really just taste like giant, slightly slimy raisins so I've been able to choke them down just fine. I also hear plum juice can do the trick but I haven't tried it yet.

I bought a maternity pillow tonight called a Snoogle! The name may or may not have been the deciding factor for me but it also got lots and lots of good reviews on Amazon so I'm excited to cuddle with it in approximately 3-5 business days.

I also bought a belly band so that I can continue wearing all my pants in spite of the bloat. This will cover up the fact that my pants do not actually close any longer and are being held together with hair elastics.  Classy.  In spite of the bloat I have actually lost weight though (probably due to the puking and limited food that I can stomach).  I'm down 7 lbs to my pre-IVF/OHSS weight. I'm happy about that.  Since I'm overweight as it is, supposedly I should aim for only gaining 25 lbs total with this pregnancy so it would be amazing if I could make it through 1st Tri without gaining anything.  I still have about a month to go though so I guess we'll see. 

Lastly, I think I am FINALLY on the mend!  (That only took 3 weeks.) Today I actually showered, did laundry, did the dishes AND managed to work most of the day (from home).  Over the last couple weeks I was barely able to accomplish even ONE of those things. Last night I also slept for more time than I was awake which is a huuuuuge feat, AND I only puked once today!  Hoorah!


  1. Bahahaha. I love this post. Way to own it! I am so glad you are starting to feel better. A shower always makes me feel better when I have been sick and yucky for a while. Hope you are back to normal in no time. :)

  2. Love your candidness! And your take on all the things I have to look forward to haha. Glad you're starting to feel better, hope it continues!

  3. I love you, and I love this post! I hope you enjoy your Snoogle, in 3-5 business days, haha! I am so happy to hear you're finally feeling a little better, that was a seriously rough go you had there. I hope this trend continues! <3

  4. So glad that you're starting to feel better <3 I hope the Snoogle is everything that you hoped for and more!!

  5. Hooray for being on the mend! Hopefully your pregnancy will be smooth sailing from here on out :)

  6. I'm glad you're feeling better :)

  7. Yay for a snoogle!! Please update us on how amazing it is! And a little tip - prune juice is effing disgusting.

  8. You crack me up, gawsh I missed keeping up blogs. Glad you're feeling better. I might order a Snoogle myself based on the name alone.
