Sunday, June 16, 2013

Success with FIL

Today hubs and I hosted a cookout for our Dads/families for Father's Day. I had been dreading it for the last couple weeks because my FIL would be there and if you read this recent post: clicky!, you know that my FIL is not exactly the most sensitive person in my life when it comes to our T-TTC.

However, whatever my hubby said to him after our last interaction must have worked because my FIL did not breathe a WORD about babies/me not being KU/his impatience about becoming a grandfather/anything even semi-related to us having a child. THANK GOD. I honestly don't know how I would have handled if he had said something (I'm PMSing and have had a couple not-so-great-IF days lately) so I am beyond relieved that I wasn't confronted with a situation that I wasn't feeling emotionally prepared for.

Let's hope his new-found silence on the matter sticks around!


  1. Hey lady! Glad everything went smoothly!

  2. Glad your FIL kept his mouth shut about babies!

  3. I'm happy to hear that you had a good day yesterday and that your FIL was on his best behavior!

  4. Glad to hear! I just now saw that other entry, left a comment there too. Sometimes it helps to tell people. That's what I had to do with my MIL when she asked if I'd gained weight last summer (which then led into a "Oh I thought maybe you were pregnant"). Ever since I told her, she's been pretty toned down. Hope the same for you!

  5. Glad you had a good day!

    Thanks for the comment, I appreciate the thought :) These last few weeks of school have been brutal so I've been very behind on the blog reading/posting. I'm hoping to post an update this Friday, there is a lot to update about. I did O after that +OPK and actually got my first BFP but it ended as a chemical pregnancy. I'm now waiting on a referral to an RE since we hit the 1 year mark next month.

    1. Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm thrilled that you Od though and are able to get pregnant but I'm so sorry about the outcome. GL with the referral and the school craziness. I will continue to stalk you :-)
