Friday, December 6, 2013

Beta #1!

The difference is slightly more impressive in real life.
Good news!  Beta #1 came back at 73!  The nurse said that this early (today's 9dp5dt) we should hope for 70 so we are currently right on target!   The bleeding has lessened a bit since last night and my HPT was a bit darker today too!  These are all good things! Ahhh!  I am starting to let the thought that this might be for real sneak in :-)

However, Beta #2 is Sunday AM and that will be the real test.  The nurse said that we want to see at least a 66% increase which would mean the goal is 121. Come on Pete!!!

She didn't have much to say about the bleeding. Obviously it's not a great thing but she said that some women do end up with bleeding but go on to have healthy pregnancies so we really don't know if this is anything to worry about or not. She said that if I keep bleeding and end up getting pain beyond the partial cramping I am having then they will check me for an ectopic.  However, right now there is nothing I can do so I'm going to remain slightly apprehensive (as my defense mechanism), while praying that Pete has snuggled firmly into my ute. 

Sunday afternoon cannot come fast enough!


  1. My best friend had "unexplained bleeding" on and off through out her pregnancy. It was scary but she now has a very happy and healthy 10 month old. FX for Sunday!

  2. Look at that line - what a beautiful sight!! This post makes me even happier than yesterday's!!!!!! Come on, Pete, let's get some good numbers on Sunday!!! You know I have everything crossed for you and am sending all the love and good vibes I can!! <3

  3. Congrats! I am so happy to see this! Sometimes bleeding can be totally normal in pregnancy. Try not to stress! YAYYYY! That line is significantly darker.

  4. Wooohooo! SO exciting! I love seeing the line getting darker. Can't wait to hear Sunday's beta!

  5. That is a beautiful line! I'm so happy to hear that Beta #1 was great and I've got my fingers crossed that #2 is even more awesome. Sending you good thoughts and big hugs while you wait <3 <3

  6. OMG!!!! CONGRATS CHICK<33 Snuggle in little embie!!!!

  7. CONGRATS!!! FX for an awesome beta Sunday!

  8. Girl, I am so excited for you!! I am sorry that it started in such a dramatic fashion, but I'm hoping this is for real! FX for an awesome beta on Sunday!

  9. FX for a great second beta!!!!
