Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Nursery Progress!

I was gonna title this post "AW: Nursery Progress!"  as in, "Attention Whore", but honestly, isn't every post on one's own blog AW-ing? 

Anyway, I'm slowly making progress on the nursery!  Yay!

All the Christmas stuff that was thrown in the spare room has now been packed away and we gave the spare bed to my sister & BIL so the room is finally starting to get cleared out so I can turn it into a nursery!  I've begun to go through the dresser and closet since they are full of my old clothes that I always hoped I would fit in again some day but know that realistically, there is about a zero percent chance I will be that size again.  (Goodwill is about to make out like a bandit.)  

As I clear my old clothes out of the closet, I've started replacing them with baby clothes :-D  That makes me ridiculously happy.  I know we only have a little bit and most of it is probably going to go in drawers anyway but I just can't help but hang them up and gaze them, amazed that we will have a reason to finally USE these cute little things! I told Hubs that and he ribbed me a little about making a big deal about it and then later, told me he went and looked and that he couldn't help but tear up a little seeing them hanging there :'-)

I've also purchased a few more decorative things off of Etsy (like the tree vinyl decal with shelves in the pic) so I'm excited for that stuff to come in. I can't wait to start actually putting everything all together :-)

Big purchase this week though was a glider-recliner!  Yay.  This picture is it but we ordered it in a darker grey to match the nursery decor.  I am very happy with it. It's nice and big and comfy with great lumbar support, a high back, AND it not only glides but also reclines so I can fall asleep in it (which I am sure I will do often). 

So next step is getting the carpet professionally cleaned since it hasn't been done since we moved into this house about 4 years ago. The crib will be arriving in the next 1-2 weeks and then the recliner a few weeks after that. We still need to buy a couple pieces of furniture: I want a long, low bookcase type piece for books and toys, and also some sort of cube like in the tree picture above that will double as a table next to the recliner for when I am nursing.  I also still need to get new shades and curtains for the windows, bedding for the crib, lamps, changing table stuff, a couple more pictures for the walls, etc. etc.  (Ok so maybe there's still a lot to do).  I'm so excited I get to start pulling it all together soon though!!

--End AW--


  1. OOOO how cute! I love that your husband teared up at the sight of the clothes so cute :)

    That chair looks great! I can't tell you how necessary it is to have a good chair in the nursery for feedings!

    I can't wait to see the finished product!

  2. Cracking up at your AW comment because yeah, basically, I think all our posts would qualify as AW lol. Cant wait to see the finished nursery!

  3. I love that tree with the shelves and want to curl up and sleep in that chair! I am glad to hear you're getting everything ready and getting excited!

  4. Cant wait to see the finished project!!! Love that tree its so so cute!!!

  5. I love the tree!! Can't wait to see :)
