I really should have taken more pictures during the party but here are a few. He had an awesome time and was such a ham. He loooooved all the attention. I think I'm in trouble.
The week before we had his cake smash photoshoot and it was adorable. He is such a cutie.
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"WHY AM I SO STICKY?!!!!!" |
I can't believe my little muffin is one. It had been quite a year. A life-changing, eye-opening, challenging, amazing whirlwind of a year. I love this little guy more than I know how to express. My life has changed so so much in one short year.
And Jack really is doing great. He's so active now and is starting to try to pull up on things (not quite there yet though). He's such a happy and loving little guy and is just a little ray of sunshine.
In medical related news, Jack has his first ear infection (poor guy) so the MRI that was re-re-re-scheduled for this week had to be postponed YET again until the end of May. This whole situation with the MRI is almost comical now. Hopefully someday it will actually happen, haha, and all will go well there. And we have about a billion dr appts lined up because almost all his specialists like to see him around a year to ensure everything's still looking good. I don't anticipate any new issues with anything so I hope I'm right. It's just that pesky MRI I still have some anxiety about since it has been pushed off SO many times. I'm just hoping he hasn't had spinal compression this whole time and we haven't known it... The MRI will also examine his brain to make sure everything's good there and he's not dealing with any major hydrocephalus (very common with Achon kids) or any other issues. Overall though he seems healthy and happy so I'm feeling positive in regards to all his medical stuff.
In general I'm feeling pretty good/positive. I think the change to my birth control pills has really helped to even me out. Finding the right BCP plus the Lexapro seems to be doing the trick! That is a big relief. I've only been going to therapy every other week or so now, and my very last physical therapy session is next week! Hoorah!! My back is SO MUCH BETTER now. It's incredible. I still get tired and have some soreness but I no longer have pain. It's amazing.
Hubs, on the other hand, is scheduled for his second back surgery next week. I am REALLY hoping it helps to alleviate some of his pain. I honestly don't know how the poor guy gets through every day. He needs to get some relief. Recovery should be about 1-2 weeks in bed, then 1-2 weeks of taking it very easy, and then at least another month of picking up nothing heavier than a gallon of milk. Then he'll have 2 months of physical therapy. I'm sure the surgery and recovery will go fine, it will just be a bit harder on me since I have Jack and now will need to care for Hubs. Once he's better we're still planning to put the house on the market too (just in case life wasn't crazy enough already). We're actually not sure where we're going yet though... We needed to sell this house to move closer to Boston so he doesn't have such an awful commute, but now things have potentially changed. He got a big promotion. One that he has been working towards for years and years. I'm very very proud of him but at the same time it means we may be picking up and moving to San Francisco. Yeah. Sooooo, there's a lot going on. We're hoping to know for sure by the end of next week what our future will be. Or at least, where this future will take place. Thanks to the last few years I am no stranger to being in limbo and not knowing which way my life will go so I feel like this is just one more potential shift in this crazy life of ours. We'll see!