Sunday, July 12, 2015

LP Playdate!

When Hubs and I first learned at about 36w PG that Jack had dwarfism we had no idea how to feel; what to think, what to do, where to turn to for help. We googled and found Little People of America organization which had helpful info and resources but what really helped us the most was the facebook group we found for parents of little people (POLP). When I joined that support group I introduced myself and relayed our situation and immediately received not only support and understanding but also tons of helpful advice and private messages from every other mom of an LP (little person) who lives in my general area of Boston and surrounding suburbs. Dwarfism is quite uncommon as it is a random genetic mutation that occurs in only 1 in 25,000 pregnancies so it was pretty awesome to learn that we're not alone and there are other (normal, nice) moms in my general area going through the same thing. I've been connecting with quite a few of these women over the past months and yesterday three of us who have young babies got together at my house for a BBQ/pool day! It was awesome :-)  It was so nice to connect in person with our babies and our husbands too... I'm feeling like we're starting a real community in our little area and I know we will remain connected as the babies grow since it will be important for not just us to be with others who understand but, more importantly, for our kids to have friends who are like them; friends who they can be with and play with and, for that day, NOT feel "different" from everyone else. 

Here are pics from our first playdate of likely many to come: Jack and his new best buds!


  1. Oh my dear God. What an incredible blessing. These three are absolutely freaking adorable. Seriously.

  2. Yay! That is so awesome!

  3. They are all so cute :) I'm glad you found such a supportive community! Love you!

  4. What beautiful babies! I'm so glad you were able to find such a strong, supportive community. It's so important for kids as they grow up to know there are other people who look like them and that they're not alone.

  5. Oh how precious. And so lucky for Jack (and you!) to have new friends!

    1. Thanks! Happy to hear from you; I see your blog went private but I'm still hoping to follow you! Is there an address I can email for permissions?

  6. SO CUTE. Possibly one of the cutest things I've seen all day. How amazing that you can all support each other, and your babies are so close in age! Wonderful!

  7. Omg that is amazing! I'm so happy for you guys & for the babies to have found these awesome connections!
